Best twitter client for windows 2019
Best twitter client for windows 2019

Tweeting with Fenice for Twitter (opens in new tab) (£1.49, US$1.99, AU$2.39) is a very pleasant experience.

best twitter client for windows 2019

Fenice for Twitter (opens in new tab)Īn affordable premium Twitter client that works best on the big screen For our money, Aeries is the best Twitter client for Windows.įenice is another excellent premium Twitter client, and works particularly well on large screens (opens in new tab) 2. There’s no free trial of Aeries, but for the price of a cup of coffee, we don’t think you’ll be disappointed. The only thing missing is the ability to schedule tweets for later. There’s also support for gestures and an excellent range of filters, including not only words, users and hashtags, but also clients. The best of these is the ability to bookmark tweets – a way of marking them to read later without retweeting them, which can give the impression that you’re endorsing them. In use, Aeries is much like TweetDeck (below), but with excellent extras that show how much care and attention has been put into its creation.

best twitter client for windows 2019

Once you’ve chosen your content, you’re prompted to set various visual options, including font size and weight (very useful if you have a hard time reading small text on screens), and image size.

best twitter client for windows 2019

Likes, mentions, profile details, direct messages and retweets can all be arranged into handy columns, organized and named to suit your preferences.

Best twitter client for windows 2019